Vitamin, Calcium & Folic Acid deficiency in pregnancy period, Body weakness and Physical stress, Vitamin D3 Deficiency, Malnutrition & Anemia, Low magnesium levels, Serious neural tube defects, Spina bifida (baby's spine not forming correctly), Anencephaly (the spinal cord and brain do not form properly), Brain and nervous system disorder before birth.
Vitamin, Calcium & Folic Acid deficiency in pregnancy period, Body weakness and Physical stress, Vitamin D3 Deficiency, Malnutrition & Anemia, Low magnesium levels, Serious neural tube defects, Spina bifida (baby's spine not forming correctly), Anencephaly (the spinal cord and brain do not form properly), Brain and nervous system disorder before birth.
Therapeutic Class: Folic Acid
Type: Tablet
Type: Tablet
Herbal Medicine
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
Alpha-JR, alphajr, Alpha-JR, alphajr, Alpha-JR, alphajr,Alpha-JR, alphajr, Co-enzyme, Alpha-JR, alphajr, Co-enzyme, Alpha-JR, alphajr, Co-enzyme, Alpha-JR, alphajr, Co-enzyme,Bexter Pharmaceuticals, Bexter Ayurvedic, Bexter Herbal, Nutraceuticals,Medicine,Bexter Group