It increases blood flow to the brain and other organs. It increases metabolism, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen transport to the brain.
It increases blood flow to the brain and other organs. It increases metabolism, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen transport to the brain.
Therapeutic Class: Ginkobiloba
Type: Tablet
Type: Tablet
(Ay) Laboratories
Biobiloba-60, biobiloba60, Ginkobiloba, Biobiloba-60, biobiloba60, Ginkobiloba, Biobiloba-60, biobiloba60, Ginkobiloba, Biobiloba-60, biobiloba60, Ginkobiloba,Biobiloba-60, biobiloba60, Ginkobiloba,Bexter Pharmaceuticals, Bexter Ayurvedic, Bexter Herbal, Nutraceuticals,Medicine,Bexter Group, Bexter Ayurvedic & Herbal Division