Constipation, particularly the chronic forms, Irritavle bowel syndrome(IBS), hemorrhoids of piles
Constipation, particularly the chronic forms, Irritavle bowel syndrome(IBS), hemorrhoids of piles
Therapeutic Class: Ispagula Husk
Type: Powder
Type: Powder
Herbal & Nutraceuticals
Bio eazylax
Ispagula Husk
Ispagula Husk
Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk, Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk, Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk, Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk, Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk,Bio eazylax, bioeazylax, Ispagula Husk, ispagula husk,Bexter Pharmaceuticals, Bexter Ayurvedic, Bexter Herbal, Nutraceuticals,Medicine,Bexter Group, Bexter Ayurvedic & Herbal Division